Transgender and LGBTQ+ Resources

Resources to provide information on issues, concerns and transitioning resources for the transgender and LGBTQ+ communities. If you have a resource that is relevant or helpful to the transgender and LGBTQ+ communities, use the search below to ensure the url is new to us, then contact us for assistance.

DC Mayor's Office of Veterans Affairshttps://ova.dc.govreport broken ]
The D.C. Mayor's Office of Veterans Affairs (MOVA) is dedicated to serving the District's Veteran community, their families, survivors, and military caregivers.
Dr. Rachel Bluebonf-Langner - NYU Langone Medical Center broken ]
As a plastic surgeon and the Laura and Isaac Perlmutter Associate Professor of Reconstructive Plastic Surgery.
DrugRehab - Changing Lives Through Addiction Care & Education broken ]
DrugRehab is a web resource provided and funded by Advanced Recovery Systems (ARS). ARS is an integrated behavioral health care management organization dedicated to the treatment of addiction, substance abuse, eating disorders and mental health issues. We provide well-researched, fact-based resources on this site.
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