Transgender and LGBTQ+ Resources

Resources to provide information on issues, concerns and transitioning resources for the transgender and LGBTQ+ communities. If you have a resource that is relevant or helpful to the transgender and LGBTQ+ communities, use the search below to ensure the url is new to us, then contact us for assistance.

Trans Women of Color Collectivehttps://www.twocc.usreport broken ]
Trans Women of Color Collective (TWOCC) was created to cultivate economic opportunities and affirming spaces for trans people of color and our families, to foster kinship, build community engage in healing and restorative justice through arts, culture, media, advocacy and activism.
The Butterfly Project is a dedicated workforce development project at the Fairmount Heights Branch Library specifically for young Black and brown trans women, who are among the most at-risk people in our community. Inspired by the life and work of Karen Holmes, head of the Prince George’s Trans Coalition, the program seeks to ready young women for the job market and connect them with vital, affirming services. No matter your living, earning, or job skills situation.
Trans Health Care - Find A Surgeon broken ]
Learn about Surgeons in the U.S. who offer Male to Female (MTF) and Female to Male (FTM) procedures, also known as Gender Confirmation Surgery (GCS), Sex Reassignment Surgery (SRS) or Gender Reassignment Surgery (GRS).
TransKids Purple Rainbow Foundation (TKPRF) broken ]
Greg & Jeanette Jennings are the proud parents of four children, Arial age 23, identical twins Sander & Griffen age 21, and Jazz age 19, who is their transangel. Jazz was born with Gender Dysphoria, and diagnosed at age 3. Since then, Greg and Jeanette have supported her, and continue sharing Jazz's story publicly to help other families.
The Power of 10 Foundation broken ]
We are dedicated to providing financial support to families in need. We believe that every family deserves to be able to be by their loved ones side in a time of need. Caring for them and making sure they are safe without bills piling up. Power of 10 grants wishes to children 0- 18 years old to bring a smile to their face. Providing meals and Service Dog visits to children in the hospital.
Trans Lifeline is a national trans-led 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to improving the quality of trans lives by responding to the critical needs of our community with direct service, material support, advocacy, and education. Our vision is to fight the epidemic of trans suicide and improve overall life-outcomes of trans people by facilitating justice-oriented, collective community aid.
Trans Healthcare Maryland broken ]
Trans Healthcare MD aims to promote trans wellness throughout Maryland by increasing access to affirming services and resources, while nurturing young trans leadership.
The Frederick Center broken ]
What is The Frederick Center? We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation dedicated to support, educate, link, organize, and provide outreach to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer community of central Maryland.
Trans Lifeline is a national trans-led organization dedicated to improving the quality of trans lives by responding to the critical needs of our community with direct service, material support, advocacy, and education. Our vision is to fight the epidemic of trans suicide and improve overall life-outcomes of trans people by facilitating justice-oriented, collective community aid.
Transgender Veterans Support Group (TVSG) broken ]
The Transgender Veterans Support Group (TVSG) was created 12/6/14 and is the International Chapter of TVSG and a public forum for all Transgender (TG) people and those who support them, however, special emphases is given to TG Veterans because we have so many Transgender issues with the Veterans Administration (VA) that we need resolved.
Transgender American Veterans Association broken ]
Our organization will endeavor to work with the VA, Congress, interested veterans, veterans groups, active duty military personal and LGBT groups to influence Public Law, as well as VA and military policy, regulations, and procedures, to the end of covering the medical and psychological needs of veterans suffering from Gender Dysphoria.
The Williams Institute - UCLA School of Law broken ]
The Williams Institute is dedicated to conducting rigorous, independent research on sexual orientation and gender identity law and public policy.
Since October 2012, the TransMilitary project has existed to create visual media for transgender service members and veterans to be seen and heard. We envision a day when the United States military no longer discriminates against transgender people from serving the country they love.
Members of the TransLatin@ Coalition (TLC) are transgender Latina leaders who come together from all across the country, donating their time to organize and advocate for the issues and needs of Trans Latin@ community living in the United States.
Trans Relief Project broken ]
To provide information and monetary assistance to US-based trans and GNC people looking for help with the administrative fees associated with obtaining US passports, name changes, and updating ID documents. Our primary goal right now is to help as many trans and GNC people as possible to get passports before the requirements for obtaining a passport with the correct gender become more difficult.
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